How much water should you water for your plants?
Different types of pot and planter play a big part in this too. Here’s how we make things easier for you.
Check out the video to find out more on water indicator:
How much water for indoor plants?

It is good to check for the soil moisture before watering your indoor plants. Test soil mixture by dipping your finger an inch or more into the soil.
If the soil is dry, add water. If it is moist, check again in a couple of days. Moisture-loving plants may need water once the soil surface dries out.
Placing a brown landscape pot inside your indoor pot prevents overwater, as you are able to check the excess water beneath the pot.
How much water for a hydropot?

Hydropot system comes with a liner and a water indicator. By monitoring the water indicator, you will know when and how much to water for your plant.

Add water when the meter indicates less than 'MIN', fill in water until it reaches 'MAX' or less than that. Usually, the water would be sufficient for 2 weeks or more (Length of day may vary depending on the size of the pots and plants).
Water indicator is a handy little tool to help you monitor the amount of water for your plants. Keeping both you and your plants happy and worry-free!
Check out the video to find out more on water indicator:
How much water for outdoor plants?