Caladium 'Snow Angel' (0.35m)
Caladium humboldtii Schott, Elephant Ear, Angel Wings (0.22m)

Caladium 'Thai Beauty' (0.3m)


Caladium Thai Beauty, has beautiful and striking foliage, this stunning tropical foliage plant is a well sought after plant by indoor plant enthusiasts.

Sunlight: Direct sunlight to partial sunlight

Water: Water moderately. Keep the soil moist and well-drained. Do not overwater as it may lead to root rot.

Fertiliser: Require regular fertilising during the growing season. Feed it with balanced fertiliser (organic or synthetic) or top the soil with compost, mix in a slow release organic fertiliser.

Plant Size: Approx. 25cm (vary in sizes)

Rootball Size: 15cmø x 14cmH

Pot Type: Plant comes in brown landscape pot (with drainage hole)


* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.

* Kindly take note when you're purchasing matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size.